MYC 2024

17 Oct 12:30pm – 19 Oct 4:00pm 2024 CDT

Mayo Civic Center, 30 Civic Center Dr SE, Rochester, MN 55902, USA Map

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MN Youth Convention (MYC) is one of the most highlighted events of the year for 7-12th graders! Over 3-thousand students get together to have an epic time while getting closer to Jesus.

Includes: Two Night Hotel Stay, MN Youth Convention Pass, Transportation, Event T-Shirt & Four Meals.

Special Note:
Transportation drop off is in the Maranatha Forest Lake Campus parking lot and starts at: 12:30pm

Bus leaves parking lot at 1:00pm. Please ensure your student/s are dropped of and boarded before departure.

Contact information

Booking details

Prices are in USD.

Who’s this registration for?

Legal Parent Information


My Student: Your child as listed on this PushPay form as “Who’s this registration for?”
“Legal Guardian 1”: Entered as Parent 1 on this PushPay registration form.
“Legal Guardian 2”: Entered as Parent 2 on this PushPay registration form. (We want to ensure both parents are in agreement on their youth attending.
Maranatha Church: Represents Maranatha Assembly of God, its agents, assigns, staff, employees, and volunteers.
MYC Trip: MYC, Hotel Stay, Mall, Transportation, Chaperones, Physical Activity, Swimming, Food and Other Miscellaneous Activities (expanded below)

MYC: Minnesota Youth Convention is held in downtown Rochester Minnesota at the Mayo Civic Center Arena.
I understand there will be loud music & bright lights at this event. My student will be responsible for using their discretion for their health in that environment.

I understand that my student will need to stay in the Civic Center unless accompanied by an approved chaperone.

I understand in the event my student should leave the Civic Center without an approved chaperone that I will be called to come pick up my student immediately and I agree to do that promptly.


HOTEL STAY: We will be staying in Rochester, MN. If My Student’s room accrues charges of any kind, i.e. room service, damages, etc. I am responsible for payment of those charges and agree to do so.

There is zero tolerance for males and females to be in the same hotel room and this violation will result in the student forfeiting the remainder of the trip and parent will be called to come pick up the student immediately and in the event I agree to do so promptly.

Chaperones will stay in rooms located near the student rooms.

I understand there is about a 10 minute walk with a Chaperone from the hotel to the Civic Center.


SWIMMING: The Hotel has a pool without a lifeguard which has a risk of drowning.

I will indicate if My Student has permission to swim or not.

There may or may or may not be a Chaperone present at the hotel pool to monitor behavior.

Chaperones may not be CPR certified.


MALL VISIT: The MYC Trip will visit the Apache Mall in Rochester to walk around. I will indicate if My Student has permission to use the two-buddy system without a Chaperone. I understand if My Student does not have permission, they will need to walk around the mall with a Chaperone at all times. There is zero tolerance for My Student to be alone at the mall and a violation will result in the responsibility of a parent to arrange for their child to be picked up.


TRANSPORTATION: Considering the risk of transportation with collisions, casualties, or fatalities, Maranatha Church will minimize risk by chartering a school bus with the Chisago School District which provides a highly trained and experienced driver. There are still significant risks beyond the driver’s control, such as errors by the drivers, other drivers, mechanical failure, etc. My Student must obey the rules set by the chaperones. My Student will also have access to purchasing snacks from rest stop gas stations- Please talk with them about appropriate snacks for them.


CHAPERONES: Maranatha will have enough qualified chaperones (adult leaders) to be in a 1:8 ratio with My Student. Qualifying volunteers through an application and interview process, utilizing a third-party company that specializes in multijurisdictional criminal and sex offender checks (, and routinely running background checks. Maranatha monitors adult leaders regularly and has enacted a strict procedure to protect the safety of our church participants and My Student.


PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES: The MYC Trip will have different physical activities (ie: playing outside, running around, football, etc) that have risks of physical injuries. These are completely optional activities. This will be minimized by organizing sports to be low contact (ie: using flags for football instead of tackling). Guardians agree to talk with their My Student about using their discretion with participation, that their participation is voluntary, and if they feel unsafe to find a chaperone to help them. Please indicate below if there are any examples of activities My Student should not be allowed to participate in the Miscellaneous Note area below.


Food: The MYC Trip provides 4 out of 7 meals during the MYC experience and the remaining 3 are the lunches on each day. The food provided is specifically economical meals, (ie: pizza, walking tacos, etc.). I will indicate any allergies below for My Student and Maranatha will do our best to accommodate allergy sensitivities. My Student will also have access to gas stations, vending machines, hotel store, etc. to independently purchase snacks. Please specify any dietary restrictions below (ie: no coffee, etc) and encourage them in that decision.


Other Miscellaneous Activities: There are miscellaneous activities (ie: bowling, unplanned activities, going to a movie, etc.) My Student may participate under the supervision of Chaperones.

If I do not give permission or release and assume liabilties based on changing something with this form, I will contact Maranatha Church: 651-464-3131.

Please indicate the following